While this trip is best undertaken on a warm day – it should not be skipped regardless of the temperature.
Tips for Making the Most of the Ferry:
1. In the ferry terminal, crowd to the front of the doors that will be opening next (there are ferry doors 1 and 2. Bunch up to the front of the one with the most people. Locals, especially commuters, know where to be.
2. When the door opens, do your best imitation of an Olympic marathon walker and head onto the boat. Once on board, keep walking. Walk all the way down the corridor. Do not be swayed by the restaurant / snack bar. There will be time for that later. Walk until you are about to walk into the ocean. Then - stop.
4. Once you arrive, you will have to get off the boat. Don't worry, you can head right back on board, through the terminal. Be sure to take pictures both ways. You probably won't be able to resist shooting on the way to Staten Island, but the views of the Statue of Liberty against the City Skyline, accessible only on route to Manhattan, are not to be missed.
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