Luckily there is one thing that you can always do when lost in New York City – or, you know, just looking for some good pizza. Ask a police officer. They can be a regular officer, a metro officer, a treasury officer, or a time's square officer. They can be walking, biking, or on horseback. Any sort of combination is yours to question, and all of them are friendly and knowledgeable.
Inside, I ordered a full pizza, and began to mow down. Once again, it was a cultural experience. But, having just devoured more in one day, than I had eaten up to this point combined, I became lethargic and slow. Perhaps back to the hotel would be my best option.
But it was night time in New York City, and I was in Time's Square. There would be no early nights. So what exciting plan did I concoct?
...Back to Toys R Us.
And the worst thing is, that was not the most embarrassing part. It was what I discovered there. Something I had missed on my first pass: The Barbie Dream Mansion. Two floors to explore, walk through, and shop around.
There were all numbers of Barbie and Barbie related merchandise. I wish that I could say I walked away and didn't learn all these things. But we all know that just wouldn't be true.
For what it's worth, I noticed more men than women walking out of the over sized pink homestead. Still – that doesn't quite make me feel better.
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