Once I’d completed my rounds I took a final glace – I had been looking for one particular booth. Each year one of my old students sets up shop, and though I’d not been her teacher for the past two years, I still try and find her to support her craft and make sure she hasn’t given up on the dream. I did not see her.
I made my way into the dealers room, away from the simplicity and craft of the amateur pieces. I had entered the maw of all things terrible. Fathers everywhere must have been in tears as their fourteen year old daughters walked out of the house in less than they would ever wear to the beach. One girl laughed, agreeing, as she overheard me make this comment. Though I had brought my camera, I made sure never to take it out of my bag. Nothing good could come from that.

Music was playing, peoples voices were screaming, and then all of a sudden:
"I lost the game." "Dammit, I lost the game." "Lost the game!" "…THE GAME!"
The game had been lost. And as a tidal wave, threatening to destroy all those in its path, the game continued to be lost from one side of the hall to the other.
What, might you ask, is this game? Well – it is an internet phenomenon that has but one rule. The object of the game is to never think of the game. Any time you think of the game, you have lost the game. Does it sound foolish or ridiculous? No? Then you should have been at A.N. And if you weren’t, you must go next year. Does the game sound stupid and without purpose? Yes? Then you, my friend, have just lost twenty internets.
This is the type of place Anime North is. It’s the type of place where people can come together and bond over nothing. Over things that oh so few will ever understand, yet for those brief three days you know in your heart that you are not alone. Everyone around you is just as messed up as you. They’ve spent the same amount of time on youtube watching the lastest meme. They’ve embraced the same cultural awareness. The too can has cheezburger.
I browsed manga, and idol cds, and capsule toys imported directly from Japan. I also kept my eyes open for a Yuffie Action figure priced at less than twenty dollars (ultimately this was not to be.) I listened to awkward teenagers once more try to start awkward relationships with such classic openers as, "so… do you like music, and – umm – stuff?" This is an exact quote, and what makes it perfect is that it’s just what you’d expect.

And that just makes the separation anxiety that much worse when the dream finally ends.
But that was still days away. Now it was time for me to go to some panels, watch some anime, and try to get some sleep.
This all sounds like one of my dreams. Wacky with no structure of thought; delicious mindlessness. Your writing makes me laugh out loud. Thank you for that.