It had happened. In the past, I could simply engage and walk away – but here I was, in a stationary role, where I would remain for some time to come.
Why is this a problem? Because I’m never sure that I can keep my mouth shut long enough to get out of a situation like this. First rule of teaching: You must always keep a professional attitude around students. No matter where you are. You could be at a concert, a rave, a movie, the botanical gardens – heck, if you’re at a bar and a student walks in, in theory you should leave. These are the rules. And here I was at a convention where people were dressed up as giant brown rectangles with faces, as well as sailor scouts from a youth long ago. Professional Decorum and Anime North – as well as myself when engaged with Karaoke – seemed impossible. Still, I channeled some wise words: Just shut up, and nod a lot. And shut up and nod a lot I did, saving me from what could have been a disaster of a situation.
Again – it’s not that I don’t appreciate being seen by students out side of class, in fact I think it works to humanize me, which I like – I just have to remember to stay “in character.” In theory, I guess I was cosplaying as “Mistash Bee.” more or less.

An hour later – and after participating in a rousing group sing of the Pokemon theme (until I saw a cellphone video camera pointed in my direction, causing me to remember my cosplaying role) – the song was performed. And marvelously too. The talent of some people never ceases to amaze me. And with that, I categorically defined my day as over, and headed to the parking lot to sleep. In the back of my van. Don’t worry – I brought changes of clothing.

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