Hey everyone. This is me, writing to you. The thing is, I've ever so hungry, and as such words, and what not, are lacking. I have not eaten for a full 24 hours, and while normally this is not such a big thing for me, it is today. So I will quickly need to be off to find food.
Why, you might ask, have I not eaten? Am I falling into a new lose weight quick technique (that provides results, as the cost of your health?) Why no. It's because German Rail hates me. That's just how it is.
I was more than prepared for the 15 hour train ride. The 20 hour one, not so much.
See, the other thing is that that post is all in videos. Which I can't upload. Why can't I upload? No free internet here in Amsterdam. This is of course a lie, because I'm using free internet now. At the public library (behind the chinese ship just down from the central station.) But - there is no USB port, so I can't upload files. And the hotspot here is uploading at 0.23MB That's bad.
Also - I think I blew a fuse trying to plug my laptop in. There were lots of angry shouts in a language that I don't know.
Questions to ponder:
1. Why is The Netherlands Holland?
2. Why is someone playing My Heart Will Go On on the library piano?
3. Why does the library have a piano?
4. Where can I get a Big Mac in Amsterdam? Seriously - I've craved one for a month.
Finally, I would like to point out that a good number of people do appear to be perma-stoned. This is not for me, you see, as I dislike all drugs - never using illegal, and rather distrusting perscription as well.
Oh good, they've started to play My Heart Will Go On again from the top. I was just thinking, man - I wish he would play that song again. Home Country pride and all that.
O.K. so I'm a little loopy now.
But here's the thing - I can't upload pictures, or videos, which means I'll either write posts and just hold off on them, or post the posts, and then add the images and videos later, when I have the means.
Alright - that's it for me. Off to find some food.
Ohh - I bought my ticket to the Anne Frank house. I forgot the poster that some of my grade 12s did on that book last year which features a scantily clad Anne Frank advertising the book, with slogans such as "read about the sexual excursions of Anne Frank."
Seriously - did they even read the back of the book? (Hello, to you if you're out there.) How I wanted a picture of myself holding that poster infront of the house. Ai ya.
Ohh - if you are out there, and you have the image file, email me and then it can still be a reality.
Final, final point: Holland is a region in The Netherlands
if you tell me who it was i can hunt them down?