Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's a Digital Thing

So, today – big times. Woke up early, played some games. Played some more games. Ate a chocolate bar. Games were played. In all fairness though, these were co-op games so it counts as socializing.

Then it was seven o'clock and we both realized perhaps it was time for breakfast. And your assumption that this was seven o'clock at night? Yeah, that's pretty much correct.

But where did dinner take us? Oh where indeed. The place that I think I might need to visit at least once on every future American tour – The Olive Garden. I'd say I've not been there since forever, but we all know that's not true. Three months back in Florida it was just as wonderful.

But – this time – I'd learned my lesson. I knew the portions would be huge, and that there was no need to get anything gigantic. Nope, this guy went for the smalled thing he could get. But the bread sticks, and the potatoes and sausage soup – they just kept coming. By the time my ravioli showed up, it was a disaster just to think about. A wonderfully delicious disaster.

This blog – brought to you by the Olive Garden, over feeding people at cheap prices since – well a long time ago. It's for the best they're not in Canada anymore, I do believe. So much food. So very very much food.

And that was a wonderful escape. So then we headed back and cleared Lego Star Wars and all the bonus levels.

And then? Well then my gracious host went to sleep as he'd have work the next day. Me? I went demo crazy on the PS3. I downloaded and played the Ghost Busters demo, and the Heavy Rain demo. Ghost Busters – maybe not the greatest game, but the story looked solid, and as it's considered canon as “Ghost Busters 3” I will need to get around to it.

Heavy Rain? Well, I'm sold – sold on the controls, and the game play. Granted the voice acting is just as terrible as everyone has been saying (really? French accents all around? No better talent? Please.) but it was still enough to make me seek out an opportunity to get my hands on it some time in the future.

And there were others. Some good, some bad, but all important enough to experience. Just to know what they're like. And with download speeds faster than 1.5MB a second, well there's the bandwidth to support this newly discovered addiction.

Katimari came too.

Eventually, say five am, I decided it was best to go to sleep. Which I did.

Alone in a house with a PS3 and super download speeds, and so many games that I've not yet played. What oh what will tomorrow bring? Pray for me. It can only go downhill (read: uphill) from here.

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